Right now, cold and flu viruses are spreading rapidly and are infecting communities in each and every state. *(1)
It is more important now than ever to protect ourselves and our loved ones from these viruses, because as we know, some influenza viruses are deadly.
Some people mistake the common cold (Human Rhinovirus) for the flu virus. Though both are respiratory illnesses, they are caused by different viruses.
(If you suspect you have COVID-19, please click here to view recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control.)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevetion (CDC), human influenza A and B viruses cause flu season almost every winter in the United States.
Additionally, the only influenza viruses known to cause flu pandemics, are influenza A viruses.* (2)
Pandemic's occur when a new and different influenza A virus emerges that both infects people and can spread efficiently among people.
Click here to learn more about the chemistry of the influenza a virus.
Influenza or "the flu," is a respiratory illness. Some of the symptoms associated with the flu are fever, fatigue, cough and achy muscles. *(3)
Unlike the common cold, the influenza virus therefore, can result in mild to severe illness.

The rhinovirus is the most common viral infectious agent in humans and is the predominant cause of the common cold. There are many different types of rhinoviruses, but all of them cause similar symptoms and is considered a respiratory illness.
Rhinoviruses enter the respiratory system when you touch a surface which has been contaminated by the virus and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Once inside your body, rhinoviruses infect cells in the throat, nose, and airways.
Common cold symptoms are usually milder than the flu, with sore throat and runny or stuffy noses being the most common. *(3)
Colds do not typically result in serious health problems and usually last 7 days.

A common cold or rhinovirus is the most common illness known and are the main reason that children miss school and adults miss work. *(4)
The best way to prevent illness is:
* Wash your hands often with soap and water.
*Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
* Stay away from people who are sick.
The CDC also recommends cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting your home everyday, especially when someone in your home is sick.
Click here to learn the difference between cleaning, sanitizing, deodorizing, and disinfecting.
Click here to read about how to keep the human rhinovirus away.

Yep! You guessed it! ArmiClenz® Disinfectant has been clinically proven to demonstrate effectiveness against:
* Influenza A virus; expected to inactivate all Influenza A viruses including Pandemic 2009 (formerly called swine flu)* Kills 99.9% of the virus that causes COVID-19 on hard non-porous surfaces
* Human Rhinovirus 42 (the common cold),
When used as directed.

ArmiClenz® Disinfectant Spray is Registered on the EPA's COVID-19 List N
ArmiClenz® Disinfectant is on the EPA COVID-19 List N and has been clinically proven to kill 99.999% of bacteria and kills 99.9% of Viruses.
ArmiClenz® Disinfectant has demonstrated effectiveness against the common cold, Influenza A virus (H1N1) and Pandemic 2009 (Swine Flu), as well as the virus which causes COVID-19, when used as directed.
ArmiClenz® Disinfectant is used in hospital rooms as a hospital grade disinfectant spray, restaurants, cafeterias, food prep areas, airplane interiors, car interiors, classrooms, restrooms, etc.
Click here to see a complete listing of ArmiClenz® Disinfectant safe and effective use sites.
Click here for more information from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ArmiClenz® Disinfectant Spray is an EPA Registered Disinfectant
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), defines a disinfectant as,
"(usually) a chemical agent (but sometimes a physical agent) that destroys disease-causing pathogens or other harmful microorganisms but might not kill bacterial spores." *
ArmiClenz® Disinfectant Spray is just that, a disinfectant which eradicates 99.999% of bacteria and other disease-causing pathogens or harmful microorganisms in 10 minutes.
Click here for a complete listing of our EPA Disinfectant claims.